This - a condition, which can not be address, but several methods can finish. All- diabetes - one of leading reasons of the metabolic deaths in the world today, care and persistence disease can finish and people with diabetes can conduct orderly long lifes.
(1) Useful Herbs on Processing the Diabetes
1. Bael (Aegle marmelos)
The Sheets bael have анти-diabetic characteristic. Their extract must be absorbed, предподтительно with increasing black pepper in this.
2. Bitter Calabash (Momordica charantia)
This - possible the most known food on processing the diabetes. Semena karela, as this local is named, has charantin, what help in reduction sugar on shelters. Since name is offered, bitter calabash - indeed bitter and it is difficult to be eaten. But must be поедено in as vastly bitter form as far as possible (not sweetenning) or characteristic will are rubbed.
3. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)
Fenugreek Can suppress the separation a sahara through urine. Thereby this can relieve симптомы diabetes.
4. Garlic (Allium sativum)
The Garlic is shown in Ayurveda to contain best vata pacifying characteristic. For the first time since diabetes mellitus is a disorder vata, garlic useful. The Garlic contains allicin, what work in reduction sugar level on shelters. This also brings about disintegration cholesterol in tele.
5. Jamun (Syzygium cumini)
jamun Also known as Indian plum. He has a specific action in pancreas, which adjusts the transformation of the starch in sugar. Semena fruit has a best effects than pulp.
6. Neem (Azadirachtha indica)
neem Or Indian margosa tree known for their own medicinally useful bitter sheet and other parts. The Paste their own sheet taken daily has an excellent characteristic in reduction of sugar contents shelters.
7. Onion (Allium cepa)
The Onion has hypoglycemic characteristic (that is to say low sugar). In Ayurveda, explored carefully for its rasayana property. Together with these characteristic, the onion is also soft афродизиаком and he can promote power of the body. With all these characteristic, onion becomes same valuable food on processing the diabetes.
8. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
The Turmeric is other useful remedy for diabetes. The Effects are felt better if he - t taken together with amalaki (the Indian gooseberry).
(2) Dietetic Processing for Diabetes
The Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder, which can be powerfully aggravated by wrong type of the diet. Consequently following dietetic managing principles must be сопровождены:-
1. Reduce or even completely avoid sugar on diete. hypoglycemic Diet must be needed.
2. Obesity - one of leading reasons of the diabetes. Consequently food must be deprived fat and cholesterol, producing substances.
3. Include at least once one bitter dish in each meal.
(3) Processing Ayurvedic for Diabetes
If person obese, then diabetes becomes more problem. On such folk, the complex system Ayurvedic processing is used. Preliminary methods:-
a) Apatarpana (de- feeding) b) Shamshodhana (clean)
In these method, fat built-in in body are the body reduced by de- feeding. This follows the cleaning toxin, which were accumulated in tele. The Method panchakarma cleaning bodies can be used.
As soon as this is made, then body must be отремонтированн. This is made by means of:-
c) Santarpana (replenishment) d) Brumhana (volume of the body to promote)
If person is chronically ill with diabetes, then this functioning(working) the methods. This efficient on payment of the diabetes on folk, which weighing prescribed weight less. These methods, essential nutrients are allowed flow in body and body is repaired in sound way.
(4) Home Medication
1. Continue the diet of the bitter calabash prepared in ghee three months. This will reduce the diabetes by significant amount.
2. Soak several семян fenugreek in water and keep them overnight. Have these softened семена in in the morning.
3. Have a morning meal fruit such as, oranges, tomatoes and jamuns.
4. The Dry raisins of the Soak in water overnight. Popeyte water, which they were absorbed in the morning.
5. Prepare choorna (fine powder) dry amalaki. Place this powder in water and is allowed this presents certain time. Then отфильтруйте water and compress juice of the lemon in this. This must be had at the beginning initially in the morning.
6. Prepare choorna amalaki, turmerics and fenugreek taken on equal amount. Take this choorna with honey each morning, afternoon and evening. This system provides the relief from diabetes within around two months.
7. Do the mixture juice mango and jamun taken on equal amount. This must r thrice day