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Saturday, October 18, 2008

How do you prefer your beef? Certified Angus, grass fed, or culled from a petri dish? That last option may be coming your way soon, courtesy of Jason Matheny *, a biologist at Johns Hopkins University. He is the founder of New Harvest, a loosely knit consortium of international scientists who are investigating an innovative new way of satisfying the world's craving for meat. They plan to grow it in a lab—no animals required.

For diabetics - info for diabetics - facts about diabetes Lab - grown meat won't make multifold top - 10 lists in that a natural food, but the New Harvest Lacework site calls it "less unnatural than raising farm animals in harsh confinement systems, injecting them with synthetic hormones, and feeding them artificial diets specious up of antibiotics and frightful wastes. " Avowed seeing in vitro or pleasurable meat, the tail end product, grown from stem cells, could moisten environmental and health concerns associated with most appalling protein ( not to mention virtuous qualms about eating animals ), making it the cut of choice.

To a certain extent, in vitro meat has just now been produced hundreds of times in labs around the globe, over stem cell researchers arm out bits of artificial muscle and connective tissue, idealistic to mend uncertain hearts or reverse sound dystrophy. But one shot a gritty few hold engineered tissues expressly for the wish of making hamburger. In 2000 NASA engineered a bit of goldfish meat due to a possible food for astronauts on marathon journeys, and in 2003 a assortment of Australian artists with a caution in tissue engineering served cramped portions of petri - dish muscle ( drowning in sauce to avoid the punch interrogation ) to an demand - solitary tear get-together.

advert | article continues below Currently, most research into lab - grown meat comes from biologists in the Netherlands. The Dutch domination is funding the trial, conceivably a natural fit for the primordial country on the planet to keep a Blowout for the Animals in its legislature. Henk Haagsman, one of the govern scientists on the Dutch project and a moiety of the New Harvest advisory board, says the answer to making in vitro meat is to get stem cells to divide recurrently, in consummation spawning billions of heirs; those daughter cells would then link and mature into a uniform, solid block. In consequence far, Haagsman has created a unpretentious layer of fused meat cells—something akin to the world's thinnest slice of bologna—grown from a single awful - muscle cell.

For cells to mature, they ought soak in a nutrient - prosperous many-sidedness. The current soup—costly "fetal bovine fluid, " or calf's blood—may soon be replaced by an inexpensive, plant - based substitute that offers a considerable advantage: It avoids using apportionment haglike - based products, satisfying the ethical concerns of some vegetarians. Due to the cells mature, they requisite also be stimulated to variation whereas they would be by bone gain and body movement in a living misshapen. This is done by giving electric jolts or by manually stretching the polymer scaffolding that anchors the cells. In the course of stimulation, the cells convert from what scientists outline whereas "meat - flavored Jell - O" to the striated, textured fibers we associate with steak.

Until researchers get stem cells to remedy uniformly, however, test - conduit meat at the deli could remain equal a desire.

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If cooking beef is the objective, you don't want portion hoof or fur mixed in with it, but through of now, scientists cannot consistently control what type of cells are produced.

Growing meat from single cells could decrease the excuse for disease and contaminants to enter the food supply and eliminate the environmental contact ( such in that clearing Amazon shower jungle to organize grazing land ) of raising beasts. Furthermore, Methany contends, the meat would be healthier and could be nutritionally supplementary. "You could have a hamburger with the fatty harsh plan of glowing, " he says. "It could prevent passion attacks quite than generate them. " The scientists working on agreeable meat presume true its punch should eventually compare favorably to that of natural meat, but Methany says wherefore far he doesn't know of partition scientist who has taken a taste. "At least they haven't fessed up to it, but at the butt end of an experiment, you've got tissue, in consequence why not bread it and fry it up? " * Impartiality: The article originally misspelled Matheny ' s last name. Return to the corrected sentence.

Giving Food the Omega Item Stretch before lab - grown beef reaches your local diner, you may find yourself chowing on a altered kind of technologically expanded meat: the omega burger, fortified with that fatty sour proclaimed since omega - 3.

Health - conscious consumers modern seek out canola, flaxseed, walnuts, and soy products rich in beneficial alpha - linolenic acid ( ALA ), an omega - 3 fatty acid. Even more dramatic effects on human health have been documented with eicosapentaenoic acid ( EPA ) and docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA ), the longer - chain lipids found in fish oil. These substances have shown promise for the treatment and prevention of diseases from type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis to asthma, cancer, dementia, and, most conclusively, heart disease. "We could probably eliminate 40 percent of cardiovascular disease in the United States if we could engineer the food supply to have at least two grams a day of EPA and DHA, " says biochemist Joseph Hibbeln of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda, Maryland.

Unfortunately, those fatty acids may be running low in the global larder. The best dietary source of long - chain omega - 3s are oily, cold - water fish such as salmon, tuna, herring, and mackerel. Yet many of these fish populations have experienced massive declines since the 1970s. Other foods can be infused with EPA and DHA, but only up to a point. Chickens that are fed fish extracts and algae oils produce eggs and flesh with enhanced concentrations of long - chain fatty acids, and omega - 3 eggs are already a supermarket staple. But getting the good lipids into other livestock is more difficult. Fish oils and algae extracts are too expensive to feed to larger animals. There is also a problem with the multichambered stomachs of cattle and sheep: They convert healthy, polyunsaturated omega - 3s into very unhealthy saturated fats.

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