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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Diabetic Eye Care: Caring Your Eye with Diabetes

For diabetics - info for diabetics - facts about diabetes Health Diabetes is a disease where one tends to combat delay in insulin production or unbalanced blood glucose levels. However, most of the times, it is probably for people with diabetes to suffer from poles apart complications.

Problems related to the eye are most workaday among the complications one tends to guise due to the unfolding of diabetes in one's body. Eye care is a crucial agency to revolve achromic suffering from diabetes. Medical experts admit that blindness is twenty times more humdrum in people with diabetes!

People with diabetes should booty special precautions in lineup to reduce the risk of developing eye problems.

A ) Here are some of the eye care tips coming straight from the experts to you. Make sure that you concede these tips seriously and advance these in your daily life.

1. Drive for regular appointments with your health care practitioner, especially an eye mechanical in scheme to detect an eye problem at early stages.

2. Make sure that you maintain good control of your blood glucose levels. This will arrange that you don't obtain organ problems with your eye due to diabetes.

3. Keep your blood pressure in total control. Immense blood pressure can be a actuation to eye disease. Thus, if you own diabetes since together whereas uplifted blood pressure, it is almighty necessary to revenue essential steps to control diabetes.

4. Nerve center on eating a healthy diet. Let your health care practitioner conclude a meal plan for you, knowing that you own this disease. Hold a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Drink ever of moisten and use sunshiny of sugary foods.

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5. Exercise usually. This is pure important. It keeps you fit and also regulates the insulin production in your body. Own your health care practitioner to prescribe some exercises for you.

6. Avoid fiery. It does a lot harm to your body and may also aggravate diabetes. Cease from stuffy and govern a healthy breath.

7. Make sure that you get a regular eye dilated eye exam at least once in a year. Do this even if you don't experience an eye related problems. Remember that this exam should be conducted by a doctor who is veteran in the field of treating patients with diabetes.

B ) Here is a list of some of the problems related to the eye. You may experience when suffering from diabetes: a ) Glaucoma It is a condition where the optic nerve gets damaged and ultimately results in loss of sight.

b ) Cataracts It is a disease that is characterized by a clouding of the lens of the eye.

c ) Retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy is a type of damage experienced by retina. Retina is the light sensitive area present at the back of the eye.

C ) If you experience the following, rush to your health care practitioner on an immediate basis: 1. Vision becomes blurry 2. Visualize double 3. Experience trouble in reading books or signs 4. One or both of your eyes hurt 5. Eyes getting red and stay that way 6. Seeing spots or floaters 7. Straight lines don't look straight 8. Sudden changes in vision

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