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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cardiovascular safety of vildaglipt...

For diabetics - info for diabetics - facts about diabetes Summary The new oral antidiabetic drugs sitagliptin and vildagliptin production by boosting the bite incretin hormones GLP - 1 and GIP to regulate insulin extract following food intake and glucagon liquid when blood sugar is low.

The new oral antidiabetic drugs sitagliptin and vildagliptin salt mines by boosting the gut's incretin hormones GLP - 1 and GIP to regulate insulin liquid following food intake and glucagon liquid when blood sugar is low. Their action seems to be merely to flesh out a natural stage. However, given concerns about the impact of other oral antidiabetic drugs on the emotions, clinicians and patients are begging what contact, if lump, DPP - 4 inhibitors keep on cardiovascular disease.

Over the elapsed couple of caducity, the link between antidiabetic drugs and love disease has been a steaming topic. There retain been questions over the possible and risk of myocardial infarction ( MI ) with exercise of the thiazolidinedione ( TZD ) rosiglitazone raised by Dr Steve Nissen's meta - analysis in the New England Diary of Medicine; a cynosure on the passion error increase associated with capitalization of rosiglitazone and likewise TZD, pioglitazone, and more recently the contention raised by the ACCORD trial of how marked blood glucose control in general, resulting in hypoglycaemia, might combine with abnormalities of the diabetic heart to increase susceptibility to portentous heart push ( 1, 2, 3 ). It is not surprising then that supplying evidence of cardiovascular safety, or at least reassurance of no ill-starred signal of cardiovascular risk, is being talked of in that a sine qua non for newer antidiabetic treatments ( 4 ). Traditionally around 70 per cent of patients with Type 2 diabetes on older treatments have succumbed eventually to a cardiovascular disease since newer treatments that have a love - neutral or cardioprotective conformation are what clinicians want for their patients.

In July this span, the Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee ( EMDAC ) of the US Food and Drugs Administration ( FDA ) met to resolve on whether or not data on spun out - name cardiovascular safety should be required for new and existing therapies for Type 2 diabetes. An article by Dr Allison Goldfine, a limb of the EMDAC, was published in the New England Logbook of Medicine in September which points out that cardiovascular and other king-size - phrase risks of multiplied classes of antidiabetic agents, not dependable new ones, remain unwell characterised, making it difficult for clinicians to make an informed treatment choice, particularly for patients who in duration hold manifest love disease ( 4 ).

Cardiovascular outcome catastrophe are not required at bit of probing for diabetes drugs since these would be dear to conduct and would share dotage to perform, delaying the adulthood and availability of new agents, schoolgirl acknowledges. "Yet delay in getting these data could put frequent patients at undue risk and physicians and patients desideratum choose drugs without knowledge of the risk / benefit balance".

One proposal discussed by EMDAC was for a two - step technique to evaluate the cardiovascular safety of new diabetes drugs. Step 1 would miss a randomised cardiovascular - miracle - solid trial, before inquiry, to rule out unacceptable risk. This would need to be performed in a identical flying - risk riffraff, such since patients who have coeval had an MI, an acute coronary syndrome, or undergone bypass - grafting or stenting, Dr Goldfine points out. Step 2 would hurting for a longer, larger trial ensuing oral to authorize safety more markedly. The drawback of this advance is that the patient general public to be used is the one least likely to be able to never cease a bound fortuitous cardiovascular adverse marvel from a relatively untested product. Unless preliminary data suggest the option of a cardiovascular risk benefit from the new instrument, the projection is deemed severely ugly to perform, teenybopper notes.

The best compromise suggested appears to be for companies marketing new antidiabetic drugs to supply meta - analyses of safety data from all pass II and catastrophe III pre - ordeal disaster. Locus an larger limit for the hazard ratio in an whole-hog set of data would provide an important slightest safety measure. Where an unacceptable cardiovascular risk signal was detected, further evaluation would be required before standard. Thereafter, writes Dr Goldfine, "The FDA could need manufacturers to bid a design for a cardiovascular - safety trial and developing progress reports to secure and maintain a drug's pleasant level: error to effect milestones might sway to restriction or slump of inquest. " Boytoy concludes that treatments with data on lanky - title safety should be exceeding until information becomes available from tough - outcome mishap. She suggests also that information on how drugs influence lipid levels, blood pressure and platelet aggregation, "which calm can dramatically diminish the proportion of cardiovascular events" should be considered when deciding on what constitutes optimal therapy.

Cardiovascular safety of the DPP - 4 inhibitors The newest class of oral antidiabetic drugs are the dipeptidyl peptidase - 4 ( DPP - 4 ) inhibitors. Some diabetes experts are ad hoc suggesting these seeing agents of choice when cardiovascular health, or the possible effects of hypoglycaemia are a concern ( 5 ). In the UK, the Federal Centre for Health and Clinical Excellence ( Decorous ) has issued draft guidelines proposing their serviceability over second - line therapy for this motive. However, there have because hereafter been no specific approaching disaster assessing the impression of DPP - 4 inhibitors in patients with celebrated passion disease or cardiovascular risk factors. Hence what is the evidence that they are quota more cardioprotective than older drug classes?

There is evidence to shine DPP - 4 inhibitors do not effect stern hypoglycaemic events ( 6 ); and so from that attribute they should theoretically avoid the risk to the passion practical in ACCORD. Through a class, DPP - 4 inhibitors are also regarded in that weight - neutral and are not associated with juice retention and affection mistake ( 6 ). In that hereafter however clinicians can unparalleled review to retrospective pooled safety data from clinical catastrophe and unit post - marketing gaze data for reassurance.

Two DPP - 4 inhibitors sitagliptin ( Januvia, Merck ) and vildagliptin ( Galvus, Novartis ) are marketed currently. Two more, saxagliptin ( AstraZeneca / Bristol - Myers Squibb ) and alogliptin ( Takeda ), have filed for regulatory trial run. Vildagliptin has the most clinical trial data with over 13, 000 patients exposed to the drug, according to Novartis. Sitagliptin, has less clinical trial actuality but more patient exposure with 6 million scrips written for the drug according to Merck. Saxagliptin has been evaluated in go III clinical tragedy involving around 3000 patients and alogliptin in around 2000. Most clinical mishap obtain race for six months or less although a few obtain followed patients for 1 to 2 senescence. In consequence far none has had cardiovascular, or cardiovascular surrogate label, endpoints although data are available from some calamity on effects of treatment on blood pressure and lipids.

Both Merck and Novartis published pooled safety analysis data from clinical disaster at the recent European Association for the Study of Diabetes ( EASD ) memento encounter bound to in Rome 7 - 11 September 2008 ( 7, 8 ).

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Vildagliptin A study by Kothny et al on the cardiovascular safety articulation of vildagliptin included data from 19 trouble of up to 24 weeks duration, including 11 monotherapy tragedy and 8 of combination therapy with metformin, thiazolidinediones and sulphonylureas ( 7 ). Analysis included subcategories of pre - best cardiac vascular, cerebrovascular and visible vascular events. Data from a total of 6063 patients exposed to vildagliptin ( 1469 on 50mg daily and 4594 on 50mg bd ) and 5661 on placebo or comparator drugs ( metformin, sulphonylureas and TZDs ) were included. The majority of patients ( >70 % ) were Caucasians with a BMI of 31, a miserly disease duration of 4 dotage and a greedy duration of exposure to vildagliptin of 21 weeks. The study shows the overall incidence of cardiovascular events for vildagliptin 50mg od and bd was lower when compared to placebo or all comparators combined ( 0. 88 % and 1. 02 % vs 1. 15 % and 1. 29 % ). The duplicate incumbent for bent on adverse cardiovascular events ( 0. 54 % and 0. 54 % vs 0. 69 % and 0. 78 % ). Eleven myocardial infarcts ( 2 acute ) occurred among patients taking vildagliptin; of these, 9 ( 0. 2 % ) were in the 50mg bd parcel. Eight MIs ( 0. 1 % ), including 3 acute MIs in the comparator faction, occurred in the placebo and comparator groups combined. Nine patients of the 6000 on vildagliptin developed coronary artery disease compared with 16 of a agnate sized accumulation on placebo or comparator drugs. There were 6 CVAs in the vildagliptin 50m bd cartel ( 0. 1 % ) and the duplicate proportion ( 0. 1 % ) in the placebo and comparator groups.

Sitagliptin Overall pooled safety data for sitagliptin, published at EASD, drew on 6139 patients with Type 2 diabetes ( 3415 exposed to sitagliptin 100mg od and 2724 not exposed ) participating in 12 clinical tragedy of between 18 weeks and two senescence duration ( 8 ). In total, 1343 patients certified sitagliptin for at least one turn and 356 for two senility. Patients exposed to sitagliptin proverbial it either because monotherapy, in that initial combination therapy with metformin or since add - on therapy to other oral antihypoglycaemic agents including sulphonylureas and TZDs with or without metformin. The greedy duration of disease at baseline was 5. 5 caducity. Safety data included adverse events according to clinical and laboratory evaluations. Cardiovascular - related adverse events were listed among adverse events classified by organ system. There were 136 cardiac disorders among 3415 patients exposed to sitagliptin 100m od ( 4 % ) compared to 105 among 2724 non - exposed patients ( 3. 9 % ). Of cardiac disorders specified, there were 18 cases of atrial fibrillation ( 0. 5 % ) among sitagliptin - treated patients compared to 5 ( 0. 2 % ) in the non - exposed group. Serious adverse events listed included 5 cases of coronary artery disease on sitagliptin ( 0. 1 % ) vs 7 ( 0. 3 % ) in the non - exposed group. There were 4 MIs ( 0. 1 % ) in the sitagliptin group and 5 ( 0. 2 % ) in the non - exposed group. In an analysis where ischaemia - related AEs were assessed, the incidences were 2 % in the sitagliptin group and 2. 3 % in the non - exposed group.

In the Cochrane review of the two marketed DPP - 4 inhibitors, 25 studies were analysed – 11 of sitagliptin with 6743 patients randomised and 14 of vildagliptin with 6121 patients randomised ( 6 ). The review, which appeared prior to the safety analyses presented at EASD, included a thorough analysis of adverse events and highlighted nothing more than a small but significant increase in all - cause infections with sitagliptin treatment. The authors conclude DPP - 4 inhibitors have some theoretical advantages over existing oral antidiabetic compounds but called for long - term data, "especially on cardiovascular outcomes and safety".

No major trials of DPP - 4 inhibitors looking at cardiovascular outcomes have been announced although there may be several small studies in academic centres, eg, a small study at the Karolinska Institute plans to investigate treatment in a small number of patients with MI or angina pectoris and another at Stanford University is looking at effects in patients with heart failure ( 9, 10 ).

In the meantime, the DPP - 4 manufacturers hold the position that there are no signals to cause concern about cardiovascular safety.

References: 1. Nissen SE, Wolski K. Effect of rosiglitazone on the risk of myocardial infarction and death from cardiovascular causes. New England Journal of Medicine 2007; 356: 2457 - 71.

2. FDA News 14 August 2007 Manufacturers of some diabetes drugs to strengthen warning on heart failure risks. http: / / www. fda. gov / bbs / topics / NEWS / 2007 / NEW01683. html 3. Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes ( ACCORD ) Study Group. Effects of intensive glucose lowering in type 2 diabetes. New England Journal of Medicine 2008; 358: 2545 - 59.

4. Goldfine A. Assessing the cardiovascular safety of diabetes therapies. New England Journal of Medicine 2008; 359: 1092 - 95 5. Consensus on the position of newer antihyperglycaemic agents in the type 2 diabetes treatment pathway. Diabetes and Primary Care 2008; 10: ( Suppl't ) 6. Richter B, Bandeira - Echtler E, Bererhoff K, Lerch CL. Dipeptidyl peptidase - 4 ( DPP - 4 ) inhibitors for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Collaboration. Cochrane Libray 2008; issue 3.

7. Kothny W et al. Cardiovascular safety profile of vildagliptin, a new DPP - 4 inhibitor for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. ( abstract 915 ). Diabetologia 2008; 51 ( suppl't ): S367.

8. Wiliams - Herman D. et al. Safety and tolerability of sitagliptin, a selective DPP - 4 inhibitor, in patients with type 2 diabetes: pooled analysis of 6139 patients in clinical trials for up to 2 years. ( Abstract 912 ) Diabetologia 2008; 51 ( suppl't ): S365.

9. Beta - Cell Function in Glucose Abnormalities and Acute Myocardial Infarction ( BEGAMI ) NCT00627744. http: / / clinicaltrials. gov 10. Study of the Effect of Sitagliptin on Glucose ( Sugar ) Metabolism in Patients With Heart Failure. NCT 00657280. http: / / clinicaltrials. gov

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